Success Stories
Over the years Laura has had many horses come in to her care, from old polo ponies needing a one to one relationship, a racehorse needing a new career or a youngster needing a change in luck.
Lunita is a rising 4 year old thoroughbred whom Laura bought (unseen) from Ireland for £300 as a 3 year old.
The little mare that arrived on the 29th December 2018 was in a very sorry state indeed. We discovered she was in fact, not even a year old.
Hugely underweight, covered in dermatitis, lice, sarcoids, emotionally shut down and wind sucking for a past-time.
It took a solid year for Lunita to stop scouring and she had four large sarcoids of the most aggressive form surgically removed.
Slowly, she began to trust, but had to overcome immense fear. She snapped out of her shut down state and has been known to go over backwards and bolt in blind fear, her only warning was to freeze for a split second before reacting.
Laura used her own sympathetic tehniques, those picked up from watching Monty Roberts, and learned from her Intelligent Horsemanship training to help Lunita trust and grow. This year has seen a transformation in Lunita, she is now confident enough for people other than Laura to handle her. She can have a whole set of shoes on happily, without the need for sedation where previously she was too terrifed to let the Farrier near her (I must stress at this point she has never had a bad experience from the farrier whilst in Lauras ownership). This success was certainly aided hugely by Laura’s incredibly talented farrier, Alex Prentice.
Laura has slowly ‘started’ Lunita, and has allowed her a huge amount of time to process and learn. Each normal step when backing or staring a young horse had to be broken down into many even smaller stages. This approach has clearly been the way forward with this mare as she is confident and accepting new challenges happily. Watch this space for Lunita! Her career will be determined by how tall she grows as she’s got a fair bit of growing left to do!
Laura hopes she will stop at 15.3hh so can be trained for polo, however, ff she grows taller she will still stay with Laura as a jumper.
Pictured above is Lunita in summer 2020, and before and after shots featured below.